We are excited that between the 17th and 19th of May the platform Work it Out invites you to the symposium Get Together & Work it Out, our first physical gathering since its creation in 2021. Get Together & Work it Out takes place in the frame of the festival ZÜRICH TANZT. The symposium will offer a rich program including workshops, lectures and discussions happening online as well as at the Kulturhaus Helferei, Zurich.

Work it Out opens up spaces to meet and touch each other, to talk and to listen, in order to explore being and working together. We ask ourselves what forms our togetherness might take: How do we want to meet each other, exchange and (un)learn? What mental and spatial boundaries need to be overcome? What creative possibilities for action need to be developed and coping strategies explored, especially in the face of growing digital isolation?

Para el programa completo hacer click acá.

Para más información sobre la plataforma: https://www.workitout-platform.com

Get Together & Work it Out tiene el apoyo de City of Zurich Culture, Pro Helvetia – Swiss Arts Council, Fachstelle Kultur – Kanton Zürich. Agradece a Kulturhaus Helferei Zürich, ZÜRICH TANZT y Tanzhaus Zürich.